Please bring in a copy of your dog's recent rabies vaccination records to your first visit with us! Thank you!
Cancellation Policy
A courtesy reminder by email is sent 48 hours prior to your appointment. Friends Of Bailee requires a 24 hours notice on all appointment cancellations. Cancellations less than 24 hours in advance and "no shows" will be subject to a cancellation fee of 50% of total missed services.
Arrival and Pick-ups
We kindly ask to please be on time to your dog's appointment. Dogs arriving 15+ minutes late may not be able to be groomed, and will have to be rescheduled. We also ask that dogs be picked up promptly after they are groomed in respect for other dog(s) arriving to be able to have a calm, stress-free environment.
All dog's MUST be current on their rabies vaccinations.
Matted Fur
We will not "de-matt" dogs that are severely matted and/or have been neglected. We believe the most humane way to rid of matted fur is to shave/strip it off. Clipping a matted dog close to the skin may cause clipper burn/irritation and/or the possibility of small nicks and cuts to the dog’s skin. The removal of matted fur may also expose skin issues caused by lack of air circulation to the skin such as bacterial infections, "hot spots", and skin that is raw and/or inflamed. A "matted pet" fee may apply.
Medical Emergencies
Occasionally, grooming can expose hidden medical problem(s) and/or aggrevate per-existing conditions. The Client agrees to cover all medical expenses for veterinary care.
In order to keep a flea-free facility, all dogs found with fleas will be treated immediately, at the owner's expense. (Flea treatments start at $10). Please be sure to let us know if you think your dog may have fleas as soon as possible so we can take the proper precautions.
Refusal of Service
The safety and well-being of all dogs and staff are our studio's main priority. If we feel that a dog is a danger to itself, other dogs, or our staff, we will kindly ask you to please pick up your dog immediately.
*All new clients will be asked to read our policies and sign our "dog grooming agreement" at their first appointment*